Guidelines for forthcoming events

We want to reassure our attendees that all precautions and amendments have been made to make our events ‘COVID-secure’.

Our guidelines have been updated on Tuesday 15th September 2020 to include the following updates:

On Monday 14th September new guidelines were issued, better known as the “Rule of Six” this law stops people from gathering to socialise in groups of six or more principally in private dwellings. As this event takes place on premises used for the operation of business, we are exempt from this rule. However, we will be maintaining social distancing and the high level of covid-19 risk management and all our original advice remains. Once you have received your sign items and had photographs taken you will be asked to leave the premises as no socialising between individuals, who are not participating in our service, is allowed to take place.

For the avoidance of doubt the government advice is included in this PDF. CLICK HERE.


Contained is a full list of measures that Fantom Films Ltd will be taking to make both the venue and event ‘Covid-Secure’ for the forthcoming Signing Spectacular events to be held at St Michael’s Church Hall, Chiswick.

Please note that guidance from the Government is updated periodically and this risk assessment will be reviewed and updated in accordance. It is correct as at Tuesday 15th September 2020.

We have assessed the number of customers, or crowd density, that can reasonably enable social distancing within the venue. Measures include:

  • We have reduced the number of ‘celebrity guests’ from 16 to 8; and decreased our attendance from a flexible 60 – 100 attendees to a cap of 40-50 across the day.
  • The number of crew will be flexibly allocated based on the needs to support the safe organisation of the event.
  • Timed ticketing has been implemented, with a maximum of 8 attendees being admitted every 20 minutes, in line with the advertised times. Venue capacity will be reviewed regularly to ensure safe distancing is maintained at all times.
  • We envisage the event lasting no longer than three hours, with the average attendee time within the venue not exceeding 30 minutes.
  • All tickets must be purchased upfront and no admittance is allowed without.

We have reviewed how guests, crew and attendees move through the venue and we have adjusted the flow of people to reduce congestion and contact.

  • Should attendees require to queue (in order to enter the building) this will be conduct at a social distance of 2m alongside the path adjacent to the church, and not on the street, thus minimalizing contact and disruption to passers-by.
  • We will advise attendees to arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to their allocated ticket time to ensure queuing is kept to a minimum.
  • Guests and crew will enter the building prior to the event start time of 13:00 through a different entrance to the attendees.
  • Registration will take place outside the venue and attendees will enter the building one at a time into the entrance hall area as directed.
  • There will be a one-way system through the building.
  • Numbers are limited so that there will be virtually no queuing once inside the building.
  • Exit from the event is through the back gate so not as to cross paths from arriving attendees.
  • Crew and signage will be available to direct attendees.
  • Once attendees have received their signed items and/or had photographs taken they will be asked to leave the premises as no socialising between individuals, who are not participating in our service, is allowed to take place.
  • Consideration has been given to those customers with mobility or sensory issues. We will enquire with the attendees ahead of the event to see if any special considerations are required.

We will be encouraging attendees to use hand sanitiser as they enter the premises to reduce the risk of transmission by touching products or surfaces. There will also be a secondary hand sanitiser station within the building.

  • Prior to and during the event, at regular intervals, all high touch point areas will be cleaned including door handles and tables.
  • Attendees are encouraged to wear facemasks and/or gloves. Gloves will be made available should attendees wish to wear them.
  • There will be space in the garden for those wanting to socialise at a 1m+ distance.
  • If an attendee feels unwell 24 hours prior to the event they must inform us and will be asked not to attend.

Crew will receive PPE and relevant training prior to the event.

  • Crew are most likely to come into the most contact with both guests and attendees at a 1m+ distance.
  • Crew will be wearing clear face visors and will maintain regular use of hand sanitiser and/or hand washing. Gloves will be made available to crew members should they wish to wear them.
  • Crew will maintain the use of the guidance held within this document.

Guidance for meeting guests.

  • Tables will be laid out lengthways offering a natural 2m space between attendee and guest.
  • Guests will be offered the use of clear screen ‘spit guards’ or clear face visors.
  • There will be no body contact between attendees, crew and guests – including handshakes or hugs. When passing items to sign please place them on the table, do not hand them to the guest.
  • Guests will be using pre-sanitised and quarantined pens and sharpies for signing, that shall exclusively be used by the guest. Guests will not be able to use pens supplied by attendees.
  • Photography or selfies are allowed; however, these must be conducted at distance.
  • There will be a professional photo studio running through the event. This will be conducted at distance and with the use of props or the angle of the photography. (Paul Phipps-Williams Photography have conducted their own risk assessment, which can be found on the PDF below.
  • Crew members will be on hand to offer suitable guidance throughout the event.
  • Whilst sheltering for the elderly and venerable currently ends on 1st August, Fantom will access the needs of each individual crew member and guest.

We will remind attendees who are accompanied by children that they are responsible for supervising them at all times and should follow social distancing guidelines. All attendees will receive all the guidelines prior to the event by email.

The sale of merchandise such as books, photos and food:

  • There will be a limited café service. Water, cans and chocolate bars will be available to purchase however these will be pre-packed. There will be no cakes or cookies as previously offered.
  • We will be limiting the number of touch points when purchasing items including tokens and photographs. Many items will be quarantined prior to the event.
  • We shall be implementing a picking-up and dropping-off collection point, rather than passing goods hand-to-hand.
  • We shall be keeping returns separate from displayed merchandise / stock to reduce the likelihood of transmission through touch.

Fantom will keep a temporary record of those guests, crew and attendees for 21 days and will assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed.

At this time, live performances, including stage-talks, drama and music, taking place in front of a live audience is not permitted. These events do not include any of the above.


Fantom Films Ltd takes all precautions very seriously and will continue to make amendments to the above guidance should new advice and guidelines be offered by the government or health organisations.

The safety and enjoyment of our crew, attendees and guests is paramount. We recognise the need for these events to return to bring a sense of near normality, through facilitating a hobby they love and enjoy in a covid-secure environment.


Company Director

Fantom Films Ltd