Time Space Visualiser: ZOOM!

Time Space Visualiser: Zoom! is bringing the Doctor Who Fantom convention experience into your home for free in 2021!
Right now we are sadly not able to meet up in person as we would like to, but fear not, because we are bringing back the magic of our Time Space Visualiser to help our Doctor Who family through lockdown.
Time Space Visualiser: Zoom! will be different to our previous events however, as it will be a series of informal question and answer sessions, hosted this time on Zoom. There will be no charge for joining in with these, but you will need to pre-register your interest in joining us. We do however ask if possible that you make a donation to the Theatre Support Fund, see below for full terms and conditions.
Thank you for joining us for the past ten weeks, our last regular TSV Zoom will take place on 28th March however we will be back periodically throughout the year. So please keep an eye on our social media for updates.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for TSV Zoom, you can discover various clips and highlights from the events over on our YouTube Channel. TSV Zoom will return occasionally throughout the year so please keep an eye on this website and our social media for forthcoming announcements.

Sunday 17th Jan @ 17:00

Sunday 31st Jan @ 17:00

Wednesday 17th Feb @ 19:00

Sunday 21st Feb @ 17:00

Sunday 28th Feb @ 17:00

How it works?
An hour prior to the event start time you will receive a link to gain entry to the online zoom platform. You will be allowed entry 10 minutes prior to the start time. Unless invited to speak you will be placed on mute, however chat between the audience is permitted in the text-based chat.
Each event will last between 40 – 60 minutes dependant on the number of guests. Each event is limited to 80 attendees.
Tickets are FREE however we are asking attendees to donate to The Theatre Support Fund.
Terms & Conditions
By signing up for your FREE ticket, you agree to receive emails regarding this event as well as monthly newsletters from Fantom telling you about latest events and products available.
Fantom have the right to refuse entry to any online event, especially if behaviour isn’t within keeping with the nature of the event. Regular non-attendance, thus depriving someone of a ticket will mean that future places at online events will be removed.
The panels will be recorded and may well be broadcast at a later date.