The Unsung Heroes of Doctor Who

This week's episodes of 'The Unsung Heroes of Doctor Who' to watch for FREE on YouTube with Alex Moore!

Each episode premieres at 6pm every week night on our YouTube channel completely FREE!

This week's episodes:


Sue has never spoken publically before about her work on ‘Doctor Who’ and she came into contact with many classic villains. Working initially as Sue Sly, she was involved with the iconic scenes of Cybermen outside St Paul’s Cathedral, even talking her than partner into one of the costumes. Sue clearly loved her time at the BBC and remains very involved in the arts as a governor of the Royal Shakespeare Company and until recently a Trustee of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.


As a fan of ‘Doctor Who’ from an early age, Stu’s first encounter with the show couldn’t have been better; the fiftieth anniversary story. Having worked on films such as ‘The Darkest Hour’ and television series including ‘Poldark’ and ‘Quiz’, he is certainly no stranger to being in front of the camera, however it is perhaps ‘Doctor Who’ which is the highlight of everything he has done so far. He talks about being given a featured role as well as why Cybermen costumes aren’t perhaps that easy to work with.


The return of ‘Doctor Who’ in 2005 brought with it the challenge of creating numerous rich and varied worlds, with every last detail of sets and props having to be designed and made. Mark was responsible for dressing many of the iconic sets of Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant’s first series, filling each and every set with plenty of ‘stuff’. With the challenges of a fairly small workshop, he and his team were very busy, making many props which have now become iconic, but maybe sometimes aspects of other sets can be reused.


No doubt many are familiar with much of James’s work, but he has actually found himself working on ‘Doctor Who’ as well. There is seemingly nothing he can’t sculpt either working on his own or as part of the team, as was the case with the recreation of both full Zygon and Ice Warrior costumes. You can see more of his work on his Facebook page ( or he is on Twitter (@JamestheAlien). For more details about his restoration work on the Sea Devil, keep an eye on ToyBox Treasures.


Having watched ‘Doctor Who’ as a child, working alongside Daleks and Cybermen was clearly a thrill for Abbi, despite all the films and television series she has worked on. David Tennant is of course not the only Doctor she has worked with, having more recently worked with Paul McGann in Joe Ahearne’s ‘B&B’. She talks about a very memorable first meeting with David Jason and what it takes to be a stunt performer and coordinator.