Girl Power for Time Space Visualiser VI

We are back this Saturday to celebrate the wonderful women of Doctor Who with our especially themed online event.

We return for our sixth full length free online convention, and this time we shall be focussing on the women of Doctor Who with Time Space Visualiser: Girl Power.

We have a BOOMtastic reunion of Ace and the Brigadier; Sophie Aldred and Angela Bruce took part in a new interview this week.

We also have a look at a seminal Seventh Doctor serial Survival, bringing together the writer Rona Munro and guest stars Lisa Bowerman and Sakuntala Ramanee.

Marking this weeks Who Talk release, there is a reunion of Rosalind Lloyd and Primi Townsend from The Pirate Planet.

In celebration of Sarah-Jane Smith, we speak to April Walker, the actress who almost was the intrepid journalist, and drop in on Sadie Miller, daughter of the much-missed Elisabeth Sladen.

As if that wasn’t enough, there are also brand new chats with Janet Ellis (The Horns of Nimon), Felicity Gibson (The Dominators), Judith Paris (The Hand of Fear), Frances White (The Myth Makers) and Sophia Myles (The Girl in the Fireplace).

Don’t forget to keep sending in you 30 second videos telling us who your favourite female villains are in the show! You have until Thursday evening to send them to

More features to be announced shortly, so we look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Join us 14:00 BST Saturday 9th May 2020 on our YouTube channel. You can follow all the fun on social media too using the hashtag #TimeSpaceVisualiser